iPad mini

Kneeboard style is all I have. I've tried for a while to find a good other spot for it. There just isn't one.
there is a good company that makes a gazillion kinds of mounts
(blanking on the name) some sold by Aircraft Spruce and Sportys ( get the co. name there)
but check with the company itself.. for many more styles.

I made a mount for my similar sized ( but more capable) Samsun Tab2
using a piece of Plexiglass cut a bit bigger than the tablet.

I bought clip board spring clamps, which are glued to each end of the plastic - this holds the tablet

In my situation ( cruisair) a 3rd clip on the back of the plastic panel clips the mount to the aircraft panel

In your situation you may have a horizontal glare shied protrusion to fasten to.. or you may need a goose neck
or suction cup with articulated mount.

I got all my parts including the glue from Tap Plastics.

The commercial mounts have more elegant corner clam mounts, but what I have done doesn't interfere with
the operation of the Garmin Pilot touch pad features ( plus I've got internal gyros and GPS nyah nyah). :lol:

Hope this helps :D
suction cup onto a window ?.. pretty flexible positioning that way.
when I use my auto gps ( it records my track and Garmin Pilot wont)
I use the suction cup mount on a window.. very reliable if you use clean water.
spit not so good.

its a btch when it blocks other instruments or radios I could see how that could happen
in the citabria.

knee pads make you look down... not what I'd want

I bought a Ram Yoke mount and attached it to the pipe on the left side by the throttle. I put it low on the pipe, then I don't have to tip my head up to see it because of my glasses. Seems to work.

I have a full size iPad and use a ram yoke mount attached to the right side bar by the door. I push it forward when I get in and out. I would guess a mini would work better yet.