iPad Mount For Cruisair


New member
Do any of the Cruisair owners have an iPad mount that works well in your airplane? I use a RAM suction cup mount in the Fairchild, but it doesn't work very well in the Cruisair - the weight of the mount and iPad tend to pull the pilot's window down in flight. I'm also not a huge fan of yoke mounts. My preference would be for a mount that attaches to one of the fuselage tubes behind the windshield, but I haven't tried one yet. Opinions? Ideas?

Best Wishes,
Brad Donner
In my Cruisair I used a knee board mount that worked out well. I could not get the yoke mount to work and let me see all the gauges. In the Cruisemaster the yoke hits the pad when you flare in a cross wind (not optimal ;)) so far the passenger is holding the pad. I would love to have a better solution.
Hi All,
I have converted to an iPad mini and use a RAM mount suction cup to the left side of the wind screen. The holder is one of the "X" type grippers. I had to play with it to keep it high enough to clear the yoke. I also tend to take it down when I reach my destination airport for better visibility.

Ipads are tough in a Bellanca, even the minis. No matter when I put it in mine, it blocked something I didn't want blocked :)
I tried re-arranging instruments and eliminating everything that was obsolete - finally cleared a large enough spot to the right of the radio stack - but it's not the best place if you're shooting an IFR approach, have to go missed and realize you didn't brief on that part of the procedure...
Tried making a bigger yoke - the -3 has a rams-horn style and the mini just just big enough to make it uncomfortable to grip the yoke. But the engine/fuel gauge cluster was blocked more than I felt comfortable with..The Garmin 500 fits there nicely though..
So far, strapped to my leg has been the best spot for me when I'm solo or flying with someone who is uncomfortable participating. Not real happy having to break my scan during an approach to divert my sight line that far but it's the best place I've found as yet.
The good news is, between the 430W, HSI, and VOR, I don't really need an ipad when everything is functioning - and my wife likes to use it when she's with me. Plus, the -3 is probably the sweetest IFR plane I've ever flown short of a Viking.
Sure will be handy if the lights go out..Hasn't happened yet but I've rehearsed it. sweet backup.
My wants/needs may be an outlier in this group. Flying in Socal means dealing with heavy commercial, military, and foreign students in the air, the usual genav stuff, while keeping an eye on the marine cloud layer that comes and goes.. There's not a lot of airspace where you can conveniently putt around in a Cruisair without becoming very familiar with ATC.
I envy you guys in the south and midwest.. Flying through Texas the radio is so quiet half the time I wonder if it's still working :)
Still, there's nothing like breaking out of cloud layer and seeing your home airport right in front of you lit up like a Las Vegas Disco.