It's Official


New member
My Citabria is AEROBATIC. We rolled my 1965 Citabria today. A friend, who is an aerobatic instructor, and also owns a 74 7ECA, let me borrow a parachute and rode in the back while we tested the waters of aerobatics in my bird. After a couple of runs to check speed and RPM, we decided it was time. The first roll I did wasn't real pretty, but the second two came out pretty nice. We saved additional maneuvers for another flight.

I even have it on GO PRO video. 8)

Yeah, I hear you.

I don't currently have a G Meter, but will be adding a digital one that is integrated with a clock. The guy I am flying with feels more comfortable having one. Probably a good idea.

In the near future are loops and spins. Probably won't get too far past that, but I just want to say I can do it. :D
