Jack Pad For Gear Leg...?


New member
I am faced with changing tires soon on a 7GCAA. Does anyone have a good, proven design for a jack pad or saddle that goes under/around the gear leg, and allows a bottle jack or floor jack to be used? I read the various posts related to changing tires on the 8KCAB, but didn't find a complete answer there.



Most supply houses have a universal jack pad for spring steel gear, try A/C Spruce, Wag Aero, etc., I put a rag between the pad and the gear leg to prevent scratching. When using a bottle jack it is preferred to jack as close to the fuselage as possible, otherwise the jack gets cockeyed when the gear moves inward as the weight is removed. I put my bottle jack on a platform of 2X10's.


I just used my Bogert Pad again yesterday, repacked the wheel bearings, it works fine. I place the small bottle jack on two platforms of 4 2"X10's" 2 feet long nailed together, this places the jack pad high on the gear leg, have the long end facing forward so there is minimal interference with the brake line. You will have to jack part way and reposition the jack and jack a second time because the gear springs inward, by jacking high you lessen this.

Any further questions feel free to ask.
