Labor Day!


New member
Had my family and old friends out to the hanger for some BBQ. Drove the tug out to shake out the bugs.... perfect weather. (well, it's southern California so, you know....)

gjordan said:
WOW, is the Ford the same year as the Master? They are both beautiful. _____Grant.

yes, they're both 1959. Didn't plan it that way, it just worked out.
Bought the truck in 1983 from a neighbor, drove it for a few years and parked it for 10. A friend who was an auto shop teacher borrowed if for the kids to work on, when he retired I got it back with a zero-time Windsor engine, upgraded to an automatic, and with a Ford Mustang front suspension - running perfect. So, I felt honor bound to finish it :)
my wife claims I wont buy a vehicle unless it's RED.
( vw, bmw m/c, mazda p.u)

so I fooled her and bought the white and yellow cruisair.
But we all know that underneath, it's RED ! ( and it really is ! )
