Landing gear chain adjustment on 14-13


New member
My landing gear chain has stretched to the end of its adjustment range; has anyone had to remove a link from the landing gear chain mechanism in order to restore the adjustment range? Is this an easy procedure? Any comments?


Update: I found the master link in the chain; now, there is no need to remove and re-swage a link.

Allen :D
Hi Allen;

I'm looking to do the same thing on my 14-13-2. I haven't been able to find a master link on my chains. Are your chains the old ladder-type or are they the newer bicycle variety? Was your master link hard to find?


Hi Chris,

The chain is a bit smaller than a regular bicycle chain. I have an inspection cover in the top of the wing located over the gear sprocket that drives the wheels up and down. I had to put the plane on jacks and then crank the gear up a bit; my master link had been hidden next to one of the gear sprockets. The chain tension adjustment screw is located in the wing root area of the wing. My mechanic was the one that actually removed a chain link and replaced the master. I hope this helps.

The chain that you need is Diamond Chain ANSI type # 25. Go online and look up Diamond Chain. They will tell where your local suppliers are located.