Landing Gear Trunnion Nuts


New member
The bronze landing gear jackscrew trunnion nuts on my Cruisair Sr. are very worn out and I need new ones. Does anybody have any of these? I need both left and right. Thanks. Rogers Hunter 210-862-6077
The fit between the trunion nut and jack screw is a relatively loose fit, even when new. Maybe .015-.020 loose fit It is necessary for proper operation. However when the bronze threads approach 40-50% it is time to replace. I had 10 pairs made a few years ago. Dan
Thanks for the responses, Guys! Larry, I'll send you my email from my Yahoo account and I'll also post it
Dan, my threads are worn at LEAST 75%! They're so worn that the jackscrew is wearing a hole through the bronze near the edge of the jackscrew bore. The airplane has about 1800 hrs TTSN. The jackscrews were coated with molybdenum disulfide grease (MIL-G-21164) when I bought the airplane. I wonder if that didn't induce excessive wear because of all the dirt and grit that accumulated on the grease? I believe that I will follow the Airplane Manual guidelines and use a graphite-oil mixture and leave it at that.
If your jackscrew/trunion nut are without a cover and you operate in a dirty climate, I recommend a good cleaning and greasing every 25 hours or so. I use a light to medium weight general purpose grease. Pavement and turf cause few problems; but dirt and dusty strips kick up debris in that area. Dan
Does anyone have a picture, drawing, pattern, or something that describes the cover that has been described in more than one place that shrouds the retract screw and trunnion nut? Would like to make some to cover my newly restored retract screws and trunnions.
I will try to get a photo in the near future. Mine is made of canvas with eyelets, like in a boot. If you have an industrial sewing machine, you can make it. If not, a good shoe repair store can do it. Dan
Was the boot an original bellanca part for the cruisairs? If so, would there be a factory drawing?
Try checking with Cy Galley he has many prints. Lynn the ctate or thru the club
Did you get the nits you wanted? I have a few in the stock that I just purchased. Email me at to let me know. Would be happy to share whatever parts I have.


I have my wings ready for the paint shop, but I find that I do not have any landing gear trunion nuts. The gears have been overhauled, etc. but I will need the trunion nuts. Actually, I didn't know they were missing until I read about them in this forum.
Anyway, if anyone has an extra pair and is willing to part with them......