Landing Light Super D


New member
Does anyone know the GE or Martek part number of the landing light on a Super Decathlon?

Thank you.
Never Mind, it's a GE 4509. Really poor bulb since it only has a life of 25 hours and poor quality history. Unfortunately, it's what the plane was certified with!
Yeah, and its like $9
Find an aircraft part for $9!

Really, if you have it on for 5 mins per landing, thats 300 landings.
And you can always get one of those $500 LED lights, its the same size hole. Couple people have done it.
I was interested in leaving it on during Acro just to make myself a little more visible to other traffic (North East USA busy air traffic area). Can't do the LED unless it's been approved for the airplane (wouldn't do it anyway, too costly). I agree the replacements are low cost, but you do need to pull the lower cowl which is never fun and always adds to the dings, scratches, etc. I guess the answer may be to replace it at each oil change, I did order 2 from Aircraft Spruce.
I use the Q4509 with my Pulselight and get well over 200 hours of continuous usage. There are endless discussions about the use of the Q4509 in an aircraft approved with the 4509, there seems to be no consensus within the FAA, some FSDO's say OK while others either refuse to answer the question or respond in the negative. The bottom line is that I have a 4509 bulb and have been ramp checked numerous times prior to an airshow performance I make no mention and no one has ever looked at my landing light or questioned the Q in front of 4509.

I did read a bunch on the internet about approvals of the Q, etc., so decided to go with the stock number (no Q). Not sure about the H unit, but will try to research it a little since it has been added to the parts list. In hind site, I should have just went with the "Q" this time. Thanks for input.