leaning Franklin


New member
What is the proper method of leaning a 165 Franklin? Been doing what the book says and only leaning above 3500 ft., but it feels rich to me at full rich at the lower alltitudes. Was playing this afternoon and found I could pick up about 100 rpm at 2500ft. by pulling the mixture out a bit, it sounded better at that setting, but I don't want to burn anything up. Suppose I should get an egt. Thanks, Rich
SIx cylinder egt instrument is absolutly the best. If you don't have that, while in flight go to one mag and lean until it gets rough then back in slightly. That is a good conservative prcedure for leaning any engine.......Greg
Hi Greg:

We were over Paul's Valley on Tuesday and called Unicom, but got no response. Too bad, it would have been nice to visit...

Still at Columbia, leaving tomorrow. Details later.