Larry Lowenkron

New member
Scott and Adam, would you elaborate on the LED's?

AC Spruce has some non-TSO LED's that I've been eyeballing for a while, but not sure yet. I also wonder about the EMI with radios.

Had and interesting discussion with someone that one could argue that since Cruisairs were certified under CAR 4A, and CAR 4A preceded TSO, we don't necessarily have to have TSO parts to comply with Airwortherness requirements.

Is this a discussion we want to get into online, or is it best left for a phone conversation?
Scott and I both use the flashing led tail lamp, LED landing lights. (He has wing mounted lights, and I have a PAR 46 Grimes flip down landing ligjt). I also use the LED paddle lamps with the clear lenses (the clear lenses are key).
I have linked to the lights I used, PSA enterprises makes a good product and comes with a logbook sticker that you sign.
I linked the standard size light, but I use the larger PAR 46 bulb for the grimes landing light.
My quest for LED lighting started with the immense power draw from the Grimes "firestarter" landing light (it would draw 7-10 amps). Also, operating from grass would break the filaments in the bulbs and I was more often than not left with no landing light.
It is not an inexpensive endeavor, but I am very happy. The nav lights and tail light are much, much brighter, and the tail light "flash" or "strobe" feature is nice. The landing light for me is much brighter, and more useful, but I have the larger bulb, I have heard that the smaller bulb landing lights are about the same.

As for "legality". There is an ongoing argument from just about everyone who has even seen an airplane over whether it is legal. Welcome to the Internet I guess.
Those that use the bulbs interpret the FAR to be legal, those that don't typically cite color for the nav lights as a reason.
In my case, the original grimes bulb for all the lights has no TSO, no PMA, no FAA anything. It was just a lightbulb. The landing light was just a GE bulb. I replaced them with a functioning comparable part.
LED bulbs are lighting up the GA market (hehe) and you will see many planes on the ramp using them. The FAA has not decided to outlaw them or issue a ruling on their use. So I will continue to use them, and I honestly do feel that that they are legal, and would willingly argue their legality if ever questioned.

Install is a breeze, unplug old bulb, plug in new bulb, never replace again.



Good comments above from Adam. One one the big things to do is to have a chat with the IA that annals your aircraft to see how he/she interprets the FARs and the PMA hangar debate about these lights. All is for naught if it won't pass annual ALTHOUGH I "have heard of " a fellow near my previous airport that had a brief maintenance day of his own before each annual to remove a good half dozen items from his airplane that the field IA didn't like. With a fresh sign off, the stuff magically re-appeared within a day or two and we knew that the IA was fully aware that it was happening.

Scott (CFII & IA)
Since my last post, I did talk to somebody at the FSDO. I sent him information on the paddle bulbs and he said that in his opinion it was a minor alteration and I can install them with just a logbook entry. They do not effect the airworthiness of the plane.
So, as far as legalities go, as an A&P I make the determination that it is a minor alteration.
Scott and Adam, have you noticed any bulb induced RF noise with your radios?
BTW I knew specifically which person at the FSDO I wanted to talk to (one of the very few). I did did not take a chance on getting the random duty person.

No I haven't noticed any noise since installing either the taxi LED or position light units. I also LOVE the almost negligible amperage draw since I still have a Delco generator. I goofed and didn't get the Paddle combination for the tail but it would also require making some little adaptor to hold the more modern mounting plate in the old Grimes "bullet" assembly. Certainly not a show stopper.

I also like to "shop" my questions to the FSDOs. There are some very reasonable folks available that are more interested in enhanced safety than fire and brimstone interpretation of the pure letter of the law. Bless them all.

Glad to hear your FSDO is open to modern technology.

I have no radio interference from my any lights before or after LED conversion.
I do have radio interference (minor) from my grimes rotating beacon, and major interference from my strobe (which doesn't even work). I plan on replacing both with LED equivalents when budget allows.