Lights on Decathlon


New member
Hi People.
I just have some questions about the lights on the Decathlon.
Im into modelairplanes, and have started a scale project, a Bellanca Decathlon. I have some problems finding info about the lights on these planes. i want my planes lights to be rigth to the original.
I've noticed the landinglight under the prop. And some Navi lights on the wingtips.
What Light patern does this plane have.
Hope someone can give me some info, even dough im not a full scale pilot( I would have been if i could afford the licence:)
Single Landing Light inbetween the prop and the air filter.
Red Nav Light on the Left Wing Tip
Green Nav Light on the Right Wing Tip
Strobe Light on each Wing Tip too
White Tail light on lower Rudder
Tanks a lot :D
I really appreciate it.
i just have some last questions. The strobes on the wingtip's, do they flash in a particular sequence?(like once every second, and at the same time left and right).
The white tail light, when you say lower rudder do you mean at the underside of the rudder?

You have to excuse my bad english, im from Norway you see:)
hope i dont ask to many stupid questions
Good trivia question on the strobes.
I don't think they flash in relation to eachother, but it does flash about once a second.

The tail light is on the trailing edge of the rudder about 6 inches from the bottom.
This was really usefull information to me.
I really appreciate it. Thumbs up for helpfull people.
About the taillight, i studied some pictures i took of a SuperDecathlon at a lokal airshow. i saw what you ment about lower rudder. i altso know now where on the wing tips to place nav.lights.