Looking for a Rear Seat Heater


New member
I need a rear seat heater and fittings for my 67 7ECA. Front heater gets me too hot and while the little woman "freezes" in the back. Where can a guy find such an item without having to buy new? Thanks, Chic
I have a '69 7GCBC annd fell the same way. About the time my girlfriend is starting to feel some heat back there, my left leg is about melted off. Who says chivalry is dead?!

My buddy has a '99 7GCBC with the 'bifurcated" heat system going to the back seat and it sure works slick. Unfortunately, he's got a single exhaust system so it bears no resemblance to mine. Even if I got the cabin parts from ACA I'm not sure how I could rig it. I'd have to see how it's been done on a plane of my vintage. Anyone out there have pics?