Looking for a Scout


New member
I've got a Champ and a 172. I am wanting to trade or sell the 172 towards a Scout. I thought of getting a Super Cub but the price on those is NUTS!! Anyone know of a Scout in decent shape for sale/trade? I really hate to get rid of the 172 as it is relatively cheap to own and operate. The reason for selling it is that the closest airport to me is nearly 30 miles away and that is where I keep it hangered. I have a strip at my farm but it is too short to safely get the 172 in and out. I keep the Champ there when it is not on floats. But the Champ is NOT something I like to do cross-countries in. So I am wanting a Scout. I thought of a 7GCBC but the useful load sucks on them.
Any Scout for sale that someone knows about?


I can't really help you out. I've kept my eyes open for a Scout for awhile. There aren't many around.

One thing you may consider if you haven't already is a Super Cruiser (PA-12.) They've got quite a lot of room compared to a Super Cub and are usually cheaper. A number of them have come up for sale recently. I've flown a friend's PA-12 and like it. He's got an o-320 in it with PA-18 tail feathers, so it's a real performer. Unfortunately, the cross-country speed wouldn't be all that great.


I have been looking at PA-12's also. Actually I do have a guy that does want to trade his -12 for my 172. Only thing I don't like is that it is O-235 powered and that is pretty much what I have with my Champ as far as performance goes. I have also looked at a couple with O-320's and they are definitely a good plane. I just worry about them being such an old airframe. But then I guess it isn't any different than my Champ. I am still keeping my mind open for a nice 7GCBC also.

I am new to this looking for a Dacathlon but have no idea what ist worth 1975 completely rebuilt from ground up 150 hours. How do you assess value on these things.
I buy a new one ina heartbeat if it were in my price range. Sorry, way out of my reach. I do drool over them at Oshkosh though. :)

Are you saying you have one you are selling? If so, could you please PM me with the details.


No I haven't seen the one in ND. May call on it this week. Seems like very low time for its age.
