Looking for HGW Gear for 98 Super D


New member

I am looking for a set of high gross weight gear - either the steel or aluminum for a 1998 Super D.

I guess I'd prefer steel as my info says that the steel would be plug and play while the AL would need welding & fabric work.
I purchased a set of steel gear from ACA about two years ago. Jerry Sr. gave me credit for my old gear so it was not as expensive as you would think going with new gear. Also received new pages of the updated weight and balance section for your operating manual. So as you said, it was pretty much plug and play.

****WARNING ****


I have advertised my desire to purchase HGW steel gear legs for my 98 8KCAB in the FLY MARKET.

Since doing so, I have been solicited 3 times by various "gentlemen" who claim to be from the UK and have a set of the HGW gear legs I am looking to buy.

I called Jerry Sr at the factory to see if he would be willing to accept shipment of the gear legs, inspect them and install them. I'd pay the seller for the legs after they passed factory inspection. Jerry told me he'd be glad to help but suggested I get the serial numbers off of the gear legs from the seller to make certain they are legal legs.

Anyone care to guess how many sellers responded to my serial number request?


On another note 2 gents I know that run small independent flight schools have been solicited from overseas by another "gentleman" who's "son is going to be in the US for 3 weeks". The gent then asks how much the training he wants for his son will cost. A couple weeks go by and a check shows up for a couple grand more than the agreed price. The check is followed by a "my accountant made an error, can you please reimburse me for the overpayment" phone call.

Fortunately neither of them took the bait.

BTW I am still looking for HGW steel gear legs if anyone REALLY has any.
I think I got the last steel gear from ACA. Their work was very good and what I consider to be a bargain for what I got.