Looking for the STC for the door removable


New member
Hello all,

I looking to see if anyone has or knows where I can buy a copy of the STC for the door removable for my Citabria.

Thank you in advance,

I am out of town for the weekend, but will look for mine when I get home.
I am pretty sure I have seen it in the paperwork.
I looked through my plane records and find that I do not have an STC, but rather a letter from the Western Region GADO authorizing flight of my specific airplane with the door removed, and setting the flight restrictions.

I think the STC is owned by Aeronca ... I paid $50 for it ... I can't remember to whom I spoke, but they were great in making sure I got it ... I have not flown without the door yet, but definitely want to try it before it gets too cold.
Found this in a search of old posts:

Re: Right Door Removal in Flight
You can purchas the Door Removal STC from: Scott Johnson 234 Dexter Milan, MI. 48160. I purchased it this summer, it's fun on a hot day, limmited to 100 MPH. You need, as for any STC, an IA sign of on a 337 form. After that, the pilot ...