Low hanging Aileron


New member
I purchased a GCBC with newly covered wings. The right aileron hangs about 1 inch below the flap in level fight. The left one is close to right on. Sitting on the ground the ailerons look pretty even. The plane flys pretty straight however the ailerons are heavy. I think the cables are to tight. Any suggestions for a low hanging aileron?
I assume that when flying they fly in about the same position on each side. If not you have a warp somewhere.

I have the opposite problem on my 7ECA, they are high. I believe the book for the 7ECA shows the ailerons should be even, to 3/16" below the relative trailing edge.

The ailerons can be adjusted at the rod end bearing for the aileron pushrod connection. Have your A & P check the rigging and adjust if needed.

The only way to correct this is to start from scratch. Rig the aileron cables system and ailerons per the manual.
When that is done, test fly on a calm day and adjust the rear struts for hands of flight, ball centered.
If you don't start at the beginning and do it step by step by the manual, you will be chasing your tail so to speak.
Bill Becker
The annual on my 65 7ECA was just completed. As part of the work, we adjusted the aileron positions. My plane tended to sink like a rock at about 70 mph.
Previously the ailerons sat about 3/8" up related to the inner trailing edge of the wing at rest and up about 3/4" per side in the air. The book calls for even, to 3/16" lower at rest. We adjusted them even to see what would happen. Both rear rod end bearings were replaced. I counted the turns to remove the old ones, then screwed the new ones in the same count. Then we made 2 more turns in to bring them down to even.

On the test flight I watched the climb, airspeed and glide. It seemed to climb a bit better, but it was also cooler than the last flight about a month and a half ago. Airspeed seemed about the same or a little higher (again, cooler). Finally, the glide is definitely improved. I did not feel the much increased sink rate at the 70 mph mark.

The one odd thing I noticed is that now, the right aileron flies about even and the left aileron flies about 1/2" up. It was probably different before, but with both up, not as easy to notice. I assume the left wing is out of rig slightly.

We'll see how things go before considering any further adjustment.

Mark, have you made any adjustments to yours?
