Lycoming io-320 e2a tbo


New member
I'm new to the fixed wing world and looking at buying a 7 or 8k.
one of the 7ks im looking at has 1700hrs on it.
Everyone, of course, tells me the factory tbo is 2000. Maybe less depending on the amount of aerobatics involved.
Not being one to trust anyone, i called lycoming.
They said BS.
the tbo is 1600 or less on that engine in that plane. Period.
It has an iverted oil system which puts it in the aeio category. Which is 1600.
So while talking to the owner, (who i really believe is honest) he tells me that Lycoming told him it was 2000 minus some time for aerobatics.
so i'm curious if anyone else has inquired to lycoming on this very subject and what they were told.
Herm :?:
All the AEIO-320 series have a TBO of 1600 hrs per Service Instruction 1009 at
See also Note 10.
So, the AEIO-320-E2B in my 8KCAB is 1600 hrs TBO but can be run beyond that "on condition". (I like to be optimistic)
Dave beat me to it.

Same goes for brand new Lycomings too.

Ok thinking about it. The confusion probably lies in that an IO-320 has a TBO of 2000 and an AEIO-320 has the 'mixed operation' TBO of 1600. So, technically, the non-AEIO does have a longer TBO. This is purely a technicality, not a recommendation. Especially since the Champion/Bellanca STC inverted system is not nearly as effective as the Christian system that is standard on the AEIO's

Finally, it sounds like the original engine. If thats the case, its way past the 12 year TBO anyway.