The primary difference can be summed to one word:
The 7EC is pulled aloft by a COntinental C-90 engine. The GCA
originally had a Lycoming O-290D 125 hp. I think. It may be a D2
model, with 135 hp. Either way, it's significantly more potent than
the 90.
The gross weight may also be higher. The EC has a 1450 gross
weight. The GCA may be 1650, same as the Citabria. Please don't
quote me on that; I have a 7EC not a GCA.
Either model can do limited acro stuff. The bigger engine will offer
more vertical performance, adn a quicker return to altitude after
losing it to spins and such.
If you're looking for *real* acro, get a 7KCAB or 8KCAB. Inverted oil
& fuel and a semi-eliptical wing.
Have fun!
Edit: Hmmm... I may have erred. The O-290 was in the 7GC model.
I think the GCA was the fore-runner to the GCAA - 150 hp O-320
engine, no flap, flat-bottom wing. The GCAA is a decent mild acro
ship. I've not flown the GCA.
The type certificate has all the pertinent data:
Jon B.