Marvel 10-3148-1 Carb


New member
I'm after either a new, exchange or rebuild kit for my carb. I can't seem to find anything and the shops I call up here don't even have the carb number in their system.

Where is the best and most economical place to get one of these options?
David, try the search feature, and put in carb overhaul. I know that there have been several carb rebuilders mentioned on this forum in the past. Susan should know who does overhauls. Good Luck with it. _____Grant.
David, I paged thru my old note book, and found 2 potentials. This fellow was recommended to me by Greg Lucas, a few years ago. (Ted, 405-413-4972) Another re-builder is( Russel Romey, D&G Supply, Niles Michigan, 800-446-8160, 269-684-4440.) I dont think I ever talked to either, and the info is several years old, but worth a try. Susan Prall is a major Franklin supplier (903-626-5210) as is Southern Aero (336-687-9094) or (336-687-6158). I think that both of these suppliers send carbs out for overhaul, so they should have good recommendations. Let us know how it goes, and how much it costs. ______Grant.