McCauley Prop


New member
Perhaps most of you already know this but I'll pass it on anyway. I was having some oil seepage from the area of the propeller. It was minor and intermittent but I needed to address it sooner or later. Part of the problem was that I was unsure of the source.

Research on the web led me to this McCauley Service Bulletin.

What it says is that leakage from the seals at the blade is common and the fix is to clean it up and deep-cycle the prop 5 times. If that doesn't work, try it again. I did that on my last flight. There was a fair amount of oil on the prop and nose bowl when I was through. I cleaned that off, and it has been dry as a bone since. I love it when the simple solution works.

One caution: If the oil you see on the nose is red, do not fly the airplane. That is leakage of the dyed oil contained in the hub and could indicate a crack.
