Metal Spar Advice


New member
If the search option was working I would use it but I can't seem to find it anywhere so I'll ask anyways: From a safety standpoint what is the difference between the Millman metal spar conversion and the Factory metal spar conversion? Also which one do you think would hold its value better the factory or millman conversion. I ask the question for my boss because he is voting for the Millman conversion and I am voting for the factory conversion: factory has gross weight increase, it comes already covered and done, and I think they may be more structurally solid. But Jerry whats the deal with Millman?
It's not an apple to apple comparison. The milmans are just the spars. To be the same you have to add in new fuel tanks, new ribs, complete new covering, new struts, labor to assemble etc. ACA are completely new wings, struts, tanks etc. That's a very big part of a restoration. I also think the ACA wings will have a much better resale with the 100 or 150# gw increase. Still if you don't plan on keeping your airplane for a few years, it probably wouldn't make sense to do the ACA wings. But then I don't think you can do a complete restoration of an airplane and get all of your money back, unless you do all the labor yourself.
I rebuilt my wings with the Milman conversion, and they feel safe to me. I don't know how you would evaluate a difference in safety between them and factory-built wings.

As for value, factory wings may be worth more at resale, but they will have cost more initially. I figured I had more time than money to commit to the problem, and I enjoy a good project.
I did a write up on design on the website.
That said, Millman's require a large inventment in labor. You have to figure out how you are covering that.