misc spotted on barnstormers


New member
spied in the engine section of barnstormers

IO-470 seemed cheap
Lyc 435 forget the details

Bellanca 260 with 400 smoh and looking nice $25,000 !!!

:roll: no wonder I cant sell my cruisair ( although I am glad I don't have those expensive systems to maintain )

Odd ball 130 hp 6 cyl Franklin... $1000. 6-293 not 335. quite different, with intakes
through the oil pan ala Lycoming, external oil lines to the rockers, and a very square
cast oil pan. what the heck was it ever used in ?
All the pre-war Franklins were built this way.
The 6AC-298F3 was the 4 1/4" bore version of the 4" 6AC-264F3 installed in the Bellanca 14-12F3. Only about 200 of the -298 were built. Most went into prototype airplanes many manufacturers were developing before WW2. I'm willing to bet that I am the only person flying one of these engines, in the Bellanca
blimpy said:
Bellanca 260 with 400 smoh and looking nice $25,000 !!!

It does look nice but.. the savvy buyer will take one look at the panel and walk. Radios made before man walked on the moon.. so many planes on the market with useless avionics and dated gyros, and owners wonder why people don't want them.

I loved those KX-175s... 30 years ago. Two years ago I was flying right-seat in a friends Lance that had two of them when smoke started pouring out of the panel. He froze. I reached over and turned off the master but smoke kept coming so I pulled on the top radio (you'd be amazed how many I find that never got secured), it came out still smoking so, out the door it went :) I'm sure the pacific ocean waters cooled it off. He never replaced it and still is flying with the other one..
(don't buy that plane)
Blimpy, as Dan has said before, there were many, many Franklins designed that didnt go anywhere commercially. Somewhere I have a poster of a 12 cylinder Franklin that may or may not have ever been built, but it looks cool. I have also watched the Northrop flying wing with its 2, 8 cylinder Franklins. It sounds awesome. The post war Franklins were refined into a good reliable engine, but the management of the various owners of the company ran it out of the market. We should look at our planes as Rare, and Little Known (but very good) machines, rather than orphans. It sounds better that way. _______Grant.
thanks for the info, the great radio flinging story, and the lore.

I'm not buying anything !

The great thing about all these old radios is how much lighter the airplane is after you chuck them all,
and the tons of wiring harnesses that go with them !

Such stuff doesn't intimidate me.. being an old radio man.
But for the average guy who thinks electricity is a sub set of voodoo and sanitaria, it could be a problem.

but then again I have a single comm, and no nav radio at all !

don't tell anybody buy my vor "receiver " is a $3 app on my android tablet ( gps based)
I have a Cruisair panel with as much electronics as a 1960s airliner. It had tons of under seat power supplies and remote this and thats. All could be done with a 200 dollar GPS now. Anybody want a classic remote compass? It will solve your forward CG problem. There is an Avionics museum at Watsonville airport, that I have been threatening to send about 300lbs of old avionics to._____Grant.
ADF tube type with external loop and sense ( DC-3)
Flux Gate Compass
Collins 14 series high power Comm radios ( DC-3)
Sperry Gyro Auto Pilot...

Are we over gross weight yet ?


I have a 10 memory flip flop KY-97A... that probably doesn't weigh more than 3 lbs including cables.
Tab 2 android 7" tablet with built in GPS receiver and Gyros ! $160 at Costco $ 3 each apps for Gyro Horizon, VOR with DME ! DG/Mag Compass with analog display and digital readouts, Garmin Pilot what $80 year including all US charts,
and more wx, TFR, and gas price overlays than you stand. Plus the xponder with mode C.

I'd like another com radio.. so I can listen to flight following and do something else at the same time.
If I plumb the audio from the ( very used) hand held with vor into my intercom.. I guess that will do it. Maybe 20 lbs of radios ?

Freaking ADS-B isn't going to come cheap.
Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast

It's the new Big Brother system that will be mandatory in the year-of-our-lord 2020.
Briefly, everything that flies will blurt out its GPS position on either your mode S extended squitter transponder OR a special data transmitter.

Actually a pretty good system. It will give you nearby traffic and goodies like free weather graphics while airborne. Among the down sides is, of course $$$, and complete lost of anonymity.
The marine industry has a similar system (not sure for how long) that transmits your vessel name course and speed, and probably a lot more. It is required on over 100 tons and is becoming somewhat standard on much smaller boats and yachts. In some situations it works better than radar, but it sure makes for a Big Brother world. I doubt it will be too long before even your J3, or 14-13 will require one of these sort of electronic umbilical cords. ________Grant.
ronm said:
and complete lost of anonymity.

not exactly. although in the air, I'd celebrate knowing that everyone up there with me is known.
The information available to ATC is about the same, it's just now the aircraft tells the system all the data willingly instead of having to be interrogated and merged with other info. In ES equipped aircraft, if you don't want someone to know where you're going, you can avoid entering your course into the GPS and it wont be transmitted.. but you'll get extra scrutiny.
I sat-in on a lively discussion with some industry powerhouses about ADS-B and the subject of anonymity came up. You can ask that your info not be made public through resources like FlightAware (CEOs like keeping their Gulfstream off the grid) but at least as of the time the discussion was held, there's no provision for deleting yourself from the ADS-B squitter. My guess is that will change - especially when you can assemble a receiver for the ADS data using a Raspberry Pi and a few items from Amazon. I did, and sitting here at my desk can see every ADS equipped aircraft for 100 miles in every direction. For the innocent hobbyist, it's way-cool. For a haggard pilot with a bitter ex-wife, it's not so cool :)
Still, after flying it and seeing it on the 430W (with iPad display) and seeing it on ATC screens during visit to SOCAL TRACON, it's at the top of my list for Santa.