More Horse power for 0-235 C2C


New member
I know I should ask this on the Champ forum but figured more guys here have 0-235 engines. I have an 7AC-Conv with an 0-235 C2C engine in it and I am like everyone else as far as horse power is concerned. You can never have enough. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the 0-235 could be increased to 125HP. But I can't remember where I read it or even if it was able to be done to the C2C version. Anyone know if this is possible and what it entails?
The conversion involves putting high compression cylinders and pistons on hte engine. It may also require installing some larger cylinder hold down studs. I don't know if it's applicable to the C2C

More importantly there is no approval, that I know of, for that engine/HP combination in a 7 series aircraft so it would require obtaining an STC.

Darn it!! I was hoping that wouldn't be said. Oh well, time to start throwing all the extra creature comforts out.:)

I was thinking of getting rid of the carpet, door panel covering, just a bunch of little things that add up.

I also want to get a skytec starter for it. That should save a few pounds. Anyone know what the standard tooth count is on an 0-235 C2C flywheel? The Plane is in my hangar in Minnesota and I am in Hawaii til June and I want to have one ordered and there when I get home.
I saw a Champ with varnished wood floors and little stainless scuff plates behind the rudder pedals. It was pretty sharp. Carpet is heavy to begin with, and mine has soaked up a couple pounds of brake fluid...

When we removed the interior panels, we found them lined with heavy foam. I don't know if the installer had intended it to be insulation or a sound barrier, but they were kidding themselves, either way. Plus, no evidence of it being a FAA/PMA material. There went another few pounds.

Oh. And the dust above the headliner. :shock: Definitely needed a new weight & balance after vacuuming out that mess.

Vacuum pump and gyros? In a sunny day plane? Who installed these!? Another 5 lb extracted and left on the ground.

Creature comforts, indeed!
Mine has varnished floor and scuff plates,I also have no headliner but insted have a dubble gren house[from windshield toback of cargo wall] that probably saves some weight. no electrical either,althogh on skies it would be handy now and then!