Moving on.....

Much to my disappointment I'm going to be parting ways with my old reliable wooden jet, aka, cruisair :cry: . It's provided me with many hours of enjoyable flying but I'm taking ownership of my father's family heirloom 170 :p and don't have time or money for two airplanes. I'll be making copies of my documentation for future reference for everybody and will continue to be a member of this fine club. So, if you need any cruisair docs that might help with 337's etc I'll keep it on hand, or if you know anyone needing or wanting a cruisair let me know.

Thanks a million.
Alas, I know the feeling, Merritt. I will be selling my beloved Luscombe soon because, unless you'e an A&P/IA, own your own hangar, along with an insurance company, two airplanes are too many.

I'm happy you're sticking around. At the very least you have the classiest name of anyone here :) Best of luck this time getting a fair price and a devoted new owner.


Flying my Cruisair around has generated a lot of interest at my airfield and seemingly everywhere I go. If you send me a spec sheet, I'll make some copies and hand them out as I travel around the Midwest in the coming months...

I really appreciate that. I'll try to put something together for you in the coming days. It will actually be moving closer to your area next month as I'm taking it to my dad's place in WY to retrieve the 170. Anywho, I'll definitely take you up on your offer and get you a spec sheet asap.

Howdy Merritt: Did you end up selling your Cruisair project? Where are you in the Middle of Wyoming? I live one mile west of Wyoming's westernmost fence.....Ken McCune Driggs, ID
I came through Driggs a few weeks ago on my way to the backcountry. That's my first ever stop there, much nicer than Jackson, and more friendly too.

No I did not get the wooden jet sold yet. It's located just south of Gillette at my Dad's ranch. It was fun flying the old bird from TX to WY, and it did great. I miss it's handling qualities, but I can't knock the 170 too bad.

Do you know of anyone interested in your area?