My 7ECA Flys Heavy


New member
Back in April I purchased a 65 Citabria 7ECA with a Continental O-200. Other than the generator dieing on the way home, the engine seems to operate properly. However, the plane seems to fly heavy. I have to keep the speed up to about 80 mph and 1700 rpm on approach. It will start a high sink rate at 70 mph or so. I have flown a friend's 74 7ECA with an O-235 and it just seems to float in.

Does this sound fast to you?

I did notice the other day that the book says the ailerons should be rigged 3/8" down. They appear to be about 3/8" UP. I would think this would kill a lot of lift. I suppose it was rigged that way to get more speed, but if so, it didn't. At 2400 rpm, it will do about 90 max with just me and half fuel.

Any ideas, advice?

The incorrect airspeed reading has been considered. I don't know if it is reading correctly or not. It only reads about 90 at cruise, so if it is reading fast, I have other problems.
Hi Dale,

I would check the airspeed indicator before messing with anything else. Could be as simple as that.
I have a '79 7ECA and when I bought it, something about it just didn't feel right compared to the other 7ECA that I had flown. I had the airspeed indicator checked and I found that it was off by quite a bit.

Also, check the pitot static system while you are at it.

Thanks for the info. In the next week or so, I am going to take it to my A & P to let him give it a good going over. There are several small issues that need tended to as well as checking the airspeed, static system and rigging. While he has it, it will be converted from generator to alternator, and add intercom, stick mounted PTT switch and a Garmin GNS-250-XP.
