My Citabria so cold!


New member
Hey Everybody,
I have a Citabria 7ECA with the o-235, which I have had for almost two years now. I have a rear seat heater, and just put some new installation and door seals in, but my Citabria is just so cold still. Granted it is about 30 degrees on the ground up here, but sitting in the front seat I can see my breath the whole time, while my legs and waist area are warm from the heat kind of. Now I do have a metal belly, and I am wondering if that has something to do with why it is so cold. Any advice or if this is normal for a Citabria please let me know. Thank You!
I don't have rear heat in my 7ECA but the front heat keeps you toasty in the front seat. I do have drafts from all sides, but they mainly affect the rear seat occupant.

I have both front and rear heat in my 7ECA (0-235) . Mine is warm front and rear--and I was flying it with OAT of 20 F. The last couple of days. It does have some drafts that I could seal up, but the heat works just fine.

I regularly fly when it it is 0 to -5F outside. The only way to stay warm then is to just dress warmer. But the heater does keep the windshield from becoming fogged up.

At 10 degrees my 73 7gcbc/160 horse is toasty in front and ok in back. I had to put a spacer on my window latch(last year duct tape worked good) and moved my safety latch towards the rear of the (seaplane lexan)door and add some new weather stripping. One thing I have on mine is some custom cowl plugs, which prevents some of the air entering and cooling the motor. It runs at 180-190 at about 20 degrees OAT and they are easy removed. If its colder, duct tape can easily be added. Take your glove off and feel for the cold air, more than likely entering around the wing fairing, door or window.
