N74360 half hour of cruisair videos on YouTube


New member
You guys have all seen cruisairs.

But you can get a giggle from my various verbal bloopers as I try to describe the Cruisair for
folks who haven't. Just go to YouTube and put N74360 in the search box. There are 12 short videos.

Here's a sample:

"Exhaust linkage" pointing to throttle linkage.

" The ADF wire antenna attached to the Horizontal Stabilizer" Maybe I was flying sideways all this time ?

"There was a mast up on the cowling" Pointing to the top of the CABIN.

" When the gear is DOWN and the throttle is set for less than 1500 RPM, the micro switches close and the buzzer goes off"
Oh Really !!!

"And the gear tucks up into the... pause , stammer, pause .... place where the gear goes"

Gear Well you dummy.

I hope everyone enjoys the gratuitous instruction on how to operate a Dzus fastener in Cowling 101
and the old fart demonstrating how fat people get in and out of a Bellanca !
