
Larry Lowenkron

New member
Anybody know anything about this plane?

I saw a Facebook post about it not long ago. It has been sitting, but the guy who saw it said it was 'solid' - whatever that means.

Like my NC86916, it is a 'big tail' 14-13 :)
And it's the right color.

I hope it goes to a good home.
I totally agree with Brian... the statement in the eBay post is contradictory. Through my own recent experience buying a plane that has not flown much in the past 20 years, the list of fixits just keeps growing. But I do like the color too! --Rob
if you are laid up and cannot fly..
it isn't the planes fault

my story last year. ( actually we were both laid up )

if you want to sell it.. you just about have to license it
to prove to the average guy that is it ok.

I have been offering mine with "fresh annual" on sale.
but may just do it anyway in July.

Yeah.. not flown in 20 years.. somebody is gonna play "Test Pilot".
I am guessing that the 115 hours SMOH Franklin was probably overhauled in the 90's. Who knows what kind of corrosion and problems lie in wait.
Also, the fact that it hasn't been flown in 20 years makes me want to run for the hills. I wouldn't be the guy to strap into that thing for the first 100 hours.
My guess is that if you could buy it for around 10k, and it DIDN'T need an engine overhaul, you would have to spend at least 7-10K to get it anywhere near truly airworthy, and then you have a 20k airplane that you spend 20k on.
Just my 2 Cents.
Well, since I started this, and we're speculating about this plane, I called the owner up, introduced myself as a Cruisair owner, and asked him about the plane. It has gone thru an extensive annual by an old time IA who knows Bellancas. All AD's were reviewed, and complied with. Grant even sent him steel rudder bellcranks. Required dye checks were made on appropriate parts. The owner is not tailwheel qualified, so has only taxied it around, and changed the oil after approx 5 hours. The plane came from a widow (as usual...I Threaten my wife and kids with the same). The nice thing about Franklins, is that you can remove the top cover and look at the inside, along with bore scoping the cylinders. You can also get at the lifters without taking the engine completely apart...though not sure he'd let you do that. Not sure I would either. But I'd check the valve clearance.
For what he wants, it sounds like an interesting plane and worth a look. I sure don't need another one, and besides, I am too chicken to buy a plane on EBay without seeing it, and there is no reason for me to go look at it. If I was in the market for one though I'd consider looking at it, after I had him send me the pertinent records. It is not an OSH winner, but sounds pretty nice. Some minor color mismatch, but not the end of the world kind.
He's looking for someone to fly it, so anyone in the area might want to take a look and see if it is really safe to fly, and to help get another Cruisair back in the air.