Need a new COMM radio


New member
As part of my 7ECA rebuild, I have removed the now-illegal Narco Escort 110 NAV/COMM, as well as a TR-661 Transponder that had power-supply issues.

With the airplane now devoid of radios of any kind, it is time to get a VFR package installed. I have a yellow-tagged King KT-76A transponder (Thanks Jim!) ready to go, and have pretty much settled on a GPS for all navigational purposes. I'd like to mount the GPS in an angled bracket just above the transponder, and that will consume the entire panel space of the radio rack area.

That leaves the VHF Comm. There are a couple of neat little units that look like they will fit into a 2" panel hole, of which I have several to choose from. One is the Becker AR4201:
and another, the XCOM:

I believe the Becker unit is TSO'd, but I'm not sure about the XCOM. I did contact the dealer to see if it is legal to install and use in my 7ECA. Anyway, does anyone have any experience with these small comm radios? Or if there is any other option, I'd certainly entertain that. I do want an installed VHF. Please no Garmin GNS unit suggestions; I'd love one, but my wallet is not that deep! :D Thanks!
I use the icom a200 with kt-76a w/enc and pm3000 ic. Had a softcom but it did not work well with the a200 so had to change it out. Send your email if your interested in a pic. The icom works very well!
The Garmin SL40, Icom AC-200 and King KY-97 models all work great as a TSO come radio. The Garmin SL40 has a built in intercom for it as well but I am not sure if the Auto-Squelch for the intercom can be adjusted manually.

I've considered buying a new comm for the past few months. I currently have a KLX-135A which is a GPS-Comm and it works fine, but I don't really need the GPS portion (I have a garmin handheld.) A new smaller comm would free up some panel space for me. From what I've heard, those Becker units are pretty good. Since I don't need a comm that fits a 2 1/4" hole, I'll probably end up going with an SL-40 or SL-30. Again, from what I've heard, they're good units. I don't know if you have a need to listen to a standby frequency, but the garmin units have that ability. I'm not sure about the Becker.

An idea about your GPS location... I've got mine installed on the left-hand side using a ram-mount off the down tube near the window. It works great. That may not solve your immediate concerns, but it would allow you to further investigate panel mounted radio options and may free up some much needed space.

That's a good idea, Jon. I need to look closer at how I want to do it. I think the Left downtube would make it easier to reference and operate.
I have 2 Becker radios. From what I have read, they are the best of the small radios that fit in a 2 1/4" instrument hole. They have worked very well for me. Problem is that they are very basic and cost almost as much as the best comm out there -- namely the Garmin SL40(originally the Apollo SL40). I just upgraded to the SL40.

If you're in the market for a new radio, call Stark Avionics in Columbia, Georgia. They have the best prices and make superb harnesses if you don't want to do the wiring yourself.

Another thought would be to sign up on Van's Air Force website and put a wanted ad for the ICOM A200 or A210. Not long ago they had a group buy on the A210 thinking it could monitor 2 frequencies simultaneously like the SL40. Well it doesn't work like the SL40, hence, you can probably buy one cheap from those guys since they are quite disappointed in what they ended up with. Otherwise, it's a great radio.

Best of luck
Thanks fellas. I did find out that the Becker is in fact TSO'd. Back in the hangar, I was looking at my Citabria, and the only empty holes where the Becker would reside are on the very bottom of the panel, slightly obstructed by the rim that outlines the panel. I'd almost rather have a round radio in one of the larger 3" holes.

Anyway, I've got some thinking to do. Thank you all for some excellent suggestions.

Over the years I've installed several of the Beckers and a few Micro-airs and everyone seems pleased with their choices. I believe Val makes a small round comm also, but I have no experience with them.

I think you'd be happy with either the Beacker or the Micro-air. If you wish to install a 2 1/2" radio in a 3 1/8" hole, just use an adapter.

But is it legal to install a non-TSO'd COMM unit into a certified aircraft? AFAIK only the Becker is TSO'd among those small/round VHF radios.

I'm not really smart on the legality-side of this sort of thing! Thanks! :p
Thanks Jon.

I'm going a bit nuts with this decision. Have you ever had to choose between two options and waffle back and forth, unable to make up one's mind? I'm doing that right now. I NEED a comm radio, and a GPS. I have narrowed my choices down to one of these two options:

1) AvMap EKP-IV GPS + Beckel 4201 COMM. This setup gives me a huge, detailed, and powerful GPS + moving map, and basic comm. Pros - Giant color map, all the GPS power I'll ever need in this VFR airplane. Comm has integrated intercom. Cons - Not as elegant an installation. Mounting the large flat screen could be a problem. Needs to be a "temporary" mount as the GPS is not certified. $1400 + $1450 = $2850

2) Garmin GNC 250 XL. Pros - slightly cheaper overall than option 1 if I go reconditioned. Integrated. cleaner, simpler installation. Cons - I'll need an intercom. The GPS map display looks like an old handheld "donkey kong" game when compared to the AvMap. ~$2600 refurished.

I keep waffling back and forth. I need to buy these, install them, and press on with my project. I've still got a lot to do with the airframe and engine. What option do you guys like best? :D
I understand your dilemma. Between the two you listed I'd probably go with option #1.

It sounds as though you're doing some renovation on your airplane. Have you considered a new panel? It would probably allow for more freedom and space for whatever instruments you finally decide you'd like. If you're not ready for a new panel have you considered what you'd put in a new one? Sketching out your 'dream' panel may lead you to make some decisions about the panel you currently have. In other words, some of your current instruments can and will be transferrable to the new panel. Just an idea. I'd start by looking at the newer planes for sale. They always have a picture of the panel.

With my old panel, I'd go with a sl-40 and a garmin 496/396. I currently have a KLX-135A gps/com that I used by itself for some time. I got a 496 awhile back and don't even think about using the KLX-135. The 496 was expensive, but it does a lot. I wanted the ability to have weather (nexrad, metars, taf's, winds aloft, etc.), TFR's, music and a good gps that helped with situational awareness. The screen on my KLX-135 is so small I'm not sure it was helping me a whole lot. For the type of flying I was doing, it was probably sufficient. As I told you earlier I mounted my 496 on the downtube on the left hand side above the throttle. It works out great for me. It's a little closer than stuck in the instrument panel or on top of the glareshield. I can also easily remove the 496 and switch it to auto mode and use it in the car for trips. I traveled about 2200 miles this summer with and have decided it will go on all my long family trips. Again a nice gps with weather and music for the car. It's certainly not a necessity, but I could at least justify some of the cost by using it when we travel. If you've got a boat, it does tripple duty by also providing boating charts. (The boating and road maps have to be downloaded from a propietary program which requires additional memory space which must be purchased in addition to the unit... something I learned after I purchased the unit.) I don't want to stear you toward the 496/396 if you've already made up your mind, but you ought to take a look at them if you haven't already. Or find someone with one and fly with them while you check out the features. Aviation consumer had a good article on handheld gps awhile back that you may find useful. I don't find the combination gps/comm units very appealing, but that's just me.

As far as the comm, I really think the sl-40 is one of the best out there. All you have to do is start asking around. Those units have a good reputation. If you don't want to buy new you could give your local avionics shop a call to see if they've got any yellow-tagged units for sale. Airplane owners are constantly upgrading avionics, so it's quite possible a shop will have one of those sitting there waiting to be re-sold. Depending on the age, price, and condition it could be a good deal. I'm not sure you'd find one of the Becker's yellow-tagged. Or, I should say, you'd be less likely to find one.

Just a few ideas for you to chew on.

Thanks again, Jon. I think what I'm going to do is get the EKP-IV GPS first... figure out exactly where I can mount it. Right now, my radio rack space on the right has only the transponder on it, leaving room above it for a clean "installation" of the GPS. Unfortunately, this takes all of the remaining panel space there, hence my leaning towards one of the round radios. If I can squeeze in another standard-shaped comm unit in the rack, that would be easier and probably cheaper, too.

I have enough experience with moving maps and GPS displays in general to know that size does matter, and if a display is too small, it tends to get ignored. I sure wish the AvMap unit would accept weather satellite signals. Maybe they'll add this to it in the future. Anyway, if I can mount them all and avoid a round radio, then that would be best, I think.
I may be wrong (usually) but I purchased an AvMap EKP IV at Oshkosh this past summer. When I was visiting their booth, they were in the process of running weather on their display. They had it running before the end of the show and they told me all I had to do was to get an XM reciever and I could run it. Maybe it didn't work as I haven't rechecked with them since. Broke my leg so my flying has come to a standstill til summer.
The EKP-IV is inbound from Rollison Aircraft. I had a couple of very nice conversations with the owner, asked him about the unit, and it sounds like it's going to be very nice. After I figure out how to mount it, I'll be able to better determine what I'll need (and what space I'll have) to mount a comm.

The rebuild is coming along... slowly! One thing I noticed right away was how oddly the instrumentation was laid out in this 7ECA. For example, the Altimeter was in one of the lower left 3-1/8" holes, the VVI was above that, and generally the instumentation that I would like to scan was simply shotgunned into the panel. While not an IFR machine, I'd stil like to have a better scan, so I've pulled much of the instrumentation out for rearrangement. The VVI was not connected to the static line, and spiders had taken up residence in the port. It was generally a mess, so I replaced it. While I was at it, I pulled much of the soft aluminum pitot-static lines from behind the panel, which was badly kinked and battered. I will replace that with a pitot/static manifold with PTC fittings, and run pneumatic urethane lines to the pitot/static instrumentation. So much to do, and I've barely started on the engine! :mrgreen:
I have a MicroAir. I understand it is the cheaper version of the Becker - it too fits in the 2 1/2" circular hole. It certianly gets the job done and I don't have any complaints.
The AvMap EKP-IV arrived. Initial impressions - VERY nice. I'll write up a separate review on it. The COMM radio will be next, after I figure out how to mount the GPS. :D

TSO'd equipment is not required in CAR4/FAR23 light aircraft that are not operated commercially, however the equipment must be FAA-PMA'd, or STC's, for use in a certificated aircraft.
