need gap seals for wing/cabin


New member
does anyone remember where to get the stc'd gap seals for the wing/cabin?I'd rather not tape it, i like the idea of being able to remove it to inspect.
For Sale:
Cruisair leading edge wing root fairings. New, just out of mold. [See the Fly Market - RS]

Double D. When I bought my Cruisemaster the owner gave me fiberglass root fairings that he had for years. They were never installed. I attempted to find STC paperwork by contacting Houde Fiberglass twice with no response from those people, figure that out! The STC is SA846SW for Houde. I don't know of any other STC holder do you? I am mainly after how did they install them as I have seen all kinds via Russ Wms web site. My other task is to find the best way to split the one piece cowl as you can't see or get to the prop governor and #6 cyl. LYNN N9818B :!:
Lynn, let me look through my paperwork for my 337. I'll mail you a copy. I may be wrong, there may be an STC for it and I have it- we'll see.

Installation? I'll try to get some pictures of how mine were installed. Maybe that'll help.

Why don't you just come on down to the "sunny" south (37 deg. F outside right now)?

Gee Lynn- did you say you have a Lycoming? I'm gonna get shot for this, but I would split it just like a Cessna cowl, add camlock, dzeus, whatever fastners to one side, rivet a long strip to the back of the other side with the camlock receivers, sit back, and smile alot.
You might consider riveting the receiver strip on before separating the two pieces completely, drilling the fastner holes through the cowl and receiver strip at the same time to ensure alignment.

Sure wish you didn't have to do this, but pulling the prop every single time has GOT to be a pain in the buttocks :roll:
I have the wing root farings. a friend makes them for me. They are just like the ones on the Viking. I do not have paper work for them. I have talked to a few folks that have them and they do not have paper work either. If someone has some paperwork we could pass around, it would help some folks that feel the need it. Some of my 337 recorded with the FAA are unreadable anyway. I also have been working on gear doors for the 14-13-2

Larry I have not forgoten you concerning your gear doors. The old ones have been glued back togeather and the moulds made. One set have been made. I have a bad set of wings in the hanger with gears on them, and am waiting till it gets a little warmer to work on them :lol: :lol:
Double D I have a Cont. 0-470 on my Cruisemaster. Big oil lovin engine! I got your e-mail and will be looking for the drawing you sent me. Russ Wms site has lots of pictures of split cowl and fairing installs. I'll wait until I run into one at a fly in like Oshkosh or the East Coast rain fest. so I can touchie feelie. It would be great if we could find a 337 or STC to pass around to all us Bellanca Boys singing the Bellanca Blues. LYNN N9818B :p :p
Hi Randy, I was kind of wondering what was happening, but no rush. I retired the end of Sept. and started A&P school the next day. Having a great time, and it is pretty interesting being in class with a bunch of 18-25 year olds! I would like to put the gear doors on this spring if they are available.
Take care!
Larry 8)
Randy smith I'm interested in your wing root fairings.Please call me 1-888 608-2803 Mark
My 14-19 came with a set of hand made metal wing root farings. I would have discarded them, as they make no difference in speed, but they were nicely done so I left them on.

As I noted in another topic, gear doors will not add to speed appreciably if at all. Everything below and attached to the wing disrupts the high pressure surface. Wheel farings on fixed gear airplanes can have quite a speed effect because the wheels are no where close to the wing.

The belief that either mod increases speed has been around nearly as long as Bellanca 14 series aircraft have existed. It's not true but, like many an aviation legend, it will no doubt persist :)
