Need help with gear bell?


New member
I'm having trouble with my gear bell.It was not connected when i bought the plane.It looks like it's wired thru the gear micro switches?Is this a comparator of the gear down lights?Do both gear have to be down to activate the bell?How does this work?
It's been a while, but as I recall, the bell is wired throgh the gear switch and a microswitch on the throttle ( behind the panel) and the bell rings if the throttle is closed and the gear is not down.
My gear bell was bad and I replaced it with a very loud warning buzzer from Radio Shack. The warning sounds from a throttle position microswitch and limit switchs on the gear. If you put the plane on jacks, pump up the gear and pull the throttle back toward idle the warning horn will start screaming and as you push the throttle forward the micro switch will open and cut the horn. The throttle micro is located next to the carb and is actuated by throttle linkage arm all this is adjustable, You can check your warning horn by applying 12 volts to it. it should start ringing very loud. Loud is the key because these planes are very noisey and you have headsets on. In my plane I also rigged a gear warning light in with the buzzer. Giving me the option of being a complete idiot to do a gear up! :roll: LYNN N9818B