Need VOR/GS antenna for my 14-13.


New member
Hello World:

I installed a VOR/GS in my 14-13 and I need to install an antenna.
I saw a picture a few days ago of a 14-13 with the antenna installed on top of the vertical stabilizer right below the white nav light mounting (CLEVER!).
Someone suggested me to just leave the antenna inside the fuselage, but I'd rather place it outside.
I'd also prefer to leave the fabric untouched.
Question are:
Which antenna do I want, where do I get it (does anybody have one for sale?) and how do I install it?
Kite, VOR antennas come with or without a Balun. A Balun is a matching transformer balanced to unbalanced. You can get the antenna new from ACS with or without the internal balun. The question is on your bird does it have the coax cable running up to the tail? If it does is there a balun already made up? The balun is a 18" loop with the shield split for the antenna and the end shield grounded to the airframe.The center conductor is not connected to anything (remember that). You can see the set up in AC 43-13. AeroElectric Connection by Bob Nuckolls on the Internet is a great source on how to do this.If you have to run the coax cable then get the antenna with the internal Balun such as Comant 185C and then it is just a BNC connector attaches it. RG 58 A/U or C/U works fine and I like my center conductor stranded not solid wire. The cable runs to instrument panel into your Nav radio or into a splitter then to the Nav radio. The splitter splits the received signal for GS or another VOR etc. I suggest you have the BNC with Mil crimps as fabricating these connections are a pain. In the world of GPS the VOR is going the way of LORAN. I think I used mine on the crate about 6 months ago as it had WX on the audio. I have two GPS units in the crate and it is damn near impossible to get lost! Lynn the crate :idea:
Thanks, I appreciate the help.
Now that the trim has grounded me (for FOUR days on TG!!!) :( I've switched priorities, please allow me to narrow down this question:

I had a BIG instrument shop to replace the panel of my 14-13, I didn't do anything myself.
They replaced entire panel faceplate with a new 6-pack panel.
This people normally works from King-90s up, so they are not familiar with rag and wood.

I bought a KX-175B and a KI-214 (VOR/GS) to replace the only crappy radio we had. Then the VOR/GS antenna issue came up...
They seldom install those antennas and they don't do rags...

They told me: get the antenna installed, hand us a wire to the panel and we'll do the rest.
My first approach was to 'install it normally at the tail' until I was informed what it takes to cut the fabric at the fin...
And I saw a naked 14-13 fuselage and realized that there is just not obvious place to attach anything.

The next (simpler) option is to just leave the antenna inside the empty fuselage.

I did however see a picture of a 14-13 with the antenna attached to the base of the the white light at the top of the tail.
That would be the ultimate solution:
bolt on the antenna sandwiched between the fin and the light, run the cable to the front, take the plane to the shop and I have my banana.
Does anybody know of an antenna that I can mount that simple?
Even in other place?
Again, thanks!
Happy TG for everyone!
Just a thought...

I once installed a VOR/LOC antenna under the fuselage right in front of the tailwheel. Had to fabricate a couple of brackets but running the cable was a breeze. first installed fabric doublers then used a hot knife to trim through to fuse tubing.
Later noticed i wasnt having to watch out for the antenna trying to poke me in the eyes during preflight :)
Well, after looking at dozens of antenna pictures, PDF drawings, and learning some of the words from Lynn post above (THANKS! Lynn), I am leaning towards buying something like and sandwich it between the white tail light and the vertical stabilizer. Running the cable (after you clear the fin) should not be a big deal, and I have a naked 14-13 fuselage to look at.
And (*MOST* importantly!) it will look cool... :)
Not advocating this, but a look at old bellanca pics will show you that a mast was
originally mounted on the cabin top... more or less in the area of the trim crank .

I am sure there had to be a factory installed plate to take the load of this mast.. which was originally used as a stand-off for the ADF wire antenna - which ran from a feed thru insulator just in front of the
windshield - up to the mast - then back to the tail.

Alternately or later ? They also used this kind of forward canting mast as the mount for a VOR antenna, which fed signal to the then state of the art Narco Superhomer or Mark II coffee grinder nav/com.

Maybe Dan or somebody else knows if the mounting plate was put into all planes, or only those with radios factory installed.

This is as vintage as you can get for your 14-13.

BTW Gang.. I am looking for one of those original ADF masts ( not vor antenna )... so I can install and use the old ADF antenna set-up for Ham Radio ( aeronautical mobile), using a small automatic antenna tuner and a torroid balun .

I would like to see how they attached the antenna/insultaor/spring to the vertical stabilizer tubing, if anybody has one naked.

capt larry W6WUH
I don't think there ever was a factory mount location for a VOR antenna for the 14-13 series as VOR wasn't available until '54 or '55. My 14-13 has the antenna in the top of the vertical fin, which is fine, except you risk a poke in the eye when maneuvering the airplane by hand.
Many folks with more electronics experience than I have installed most of their antennas inside the wing. Seems to work OK and "no drag."
Hey kitepilot, Can you post a photo of your new panel. It would be nice to see how the pros layed it out? ____Grant.
these "pros" fabricate metal , and maybe they mount boxes.. but they sure don't sound
like avionics guys. any avionics shop that does installations could easily install your vor antenna.

yeah.. show us your panel !