New 14-19-2 driver. One question. Some sad news...


New member
Hello World...
First the sad news: N74375 (the flying flag, here in all her glory) was severely damaged in an engine out emergency.
Ended up halfway submerged in a pond with a shattered wing.
It will probably never fly again.
The good news is that the pilot was uninjured.

On to the next one:
I am now the proud (and broke) owner of N9833B

The question (probably highly rehashed here) is:
How/where do I check/add hydraulic fluid?

And finally, I want to thank Robert Szego for getting my account back, I tried to meet him in Oshkosh but I was there only one day.
And I didn't hand him any money, so Robert please where do I send my check to.
Enrique A. Troconis

PS: The picture is at Surfside seplane (MN24) base near Minneapolis.
I am now officially and forever a seaplane rated pilot! 8)
I personally know of three Cruisemasters destroyed by new owners in the first few hours...all in the last 5-6 years. At this rate there won't be any more flying for the next generation...................
This is not a complicated airplane, but they continue to be damaged or destroyed by not knowing systems, limitations and proper operating technique.
If you have to ask where the hydraulic tank is and how it is serviced, you haven't been given a proper checkout.
I'll be glad to get a check out, but I don't know of any local Cruisemaster owner near Chattanooga or Minneapolis.
Or in between...
The past owner told me how to check the hydraulics (past December when I bought it), but I just can't remember how and I can't reach the guy.
I'll be glad to get all the help I can get (that's why I am in this forum), but I also have some experience to draw from.
I have owned Vikings and Cruiseairs, and I have already flown this Cruisemaster around half of the US more than one time over.
Including Oshkosh... :)
So, please tell me who to reach for and I will.
Likewise, I am a qualified CFI for Vikings, Cruisairs and (when I figure out the hydraulics) Cruisemasters, and I'll be happy to provide initial or recurrent training in any of them.
Thanks to all!
Enrique, call Glenn Hake, a Cruisemaster owner and CFI just west of Chicago. 815-546-3213. You are up to date on your membership, so no need to send money (unless you really want to :))

Our hours at Oshkosh were shortened again to Noon to 5pm. I was there every day and have some good pictures of your new Cruisemaster. BTW, I have flown that airplane when it was owned by Tom Wright in Ohio. Great airplane with speed that I didn't deserve.
There is a reservoir at the top of the firewall above the generator. Fill it ½ full.
The Power Pack under the front seat has a reservoir that should be full.
There is a nice drawing of the system in the Flight Book, available from the club.