"New airplane owner spends hard earned cash!"


New member
Thought I'd introduce myself properly to the group as a new Citabria 7GCAA owner -- 1965 vintage (the plane, not me). My first airplane. Spent my first $100 on fuel yesterday. I'm going to frame the receipt. The sting subsides with repetition, right?
I'd like to thank Jim Rosenow (shazam) for paying it forward to me by ferrying my plane home for me. Jim, I may make that fly-in yet.
Working toward my sign off all this week.
Glad to be part of this club. Having a blast in my new ride.
Now if only my instructor would quit slapping me in the back of the head. ;)
Wellllllll....as long as Pete brought it up. North Central EAA fly-in....Sept 15th and 16th at SQI (NW Illinois). Usually a good collection of aircraft all week-end, a few forums and a fly-market. Lunch available on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday morning.

Pete, thanks for giving me the opportunity to fly your bird home! See you this weekend!
Weclome Pete....my first solo in my new taildragger (7GCBC) was the Columbia fly-in this year...great folks.
Way to go, Pete! Congratulations!

Last month I went thru some old files and pitched stuff... including a pile of old gas receipts. LOL! I know how you feel. Frame this one, for sure, but don't save any more. It'll save you grief later :)

While I'm on the subject of fuel, you might consider getting an autogas STC (aka mogas STC). I got mine from EAA http://www.aviationfuel.org/autogas/approved.asp a couple of years ago and it has paid for itself many times over. Lotta threads debating this, so I'll stop there :)

Are you still reading this??? You have an airplane waiting to be flown! Is that cool or what!?!?!