New Airtex Interior Installation


New member
I recently ordered a complete new interior from Airtex for my '69 ECA. I am rebuilding the aircraft, so I've had to order much of the hardware new. To make a long story short, I'm looking for the springs used to install the interior side panels. My parts manual gives a part # 1-9942.

Does anyone know where I can find these springs or if there is an alternate part number??

Jake Morois
Mandy and Chad in ACA parts are great resources! I wouldn't expect that the price for these springs would prevent you from wanting to use ACA.

BTW, my '69 ECA is under restoration as well and work on the interior is close to next on the list. Any comments on what you received from Airtex?

Best regards,
I haven't installed anything as of yet. However, everything looks like it is of exceptional quality. If it looks as good in the airplane as it does in the box, it'll be well worth the investment. :D
I have a 79 7ECA with an Airtex interior installed about 4 years/400 hours ago and still looks great!

Nice to be part of the club

Rick S
I'm ready to replace the interior trim on my '79 8KCAB. Views on the Airtex kit would be appreciated.
Does the factory have an interior kit as well?
I must be asking Airtex the wrong questions or maybe they don't understand Australianese. They tell me that all their seat cushions are 2" thick and the backs are 1".

However, I have photos of a new Citabria and a new Decathlon - cushions are very much thicker than that. Those cushions are secured by velcro and easily removable. Does anyone have any info to sort out my confused state please?

Plan is to get Hooker harness. I see that the new harnesses have a strap down to the top of the seat. My '79 model just has the shoulder harness going to the roof.
We have recently moved to much thinner cushions as standard. This is VERY recent. Basically, we had more people get extra seats (that were thin) from them than not, so we switched.

I don't understand why they cant just make the old seat for you; if thats what you want. 8KCAB seats are the only ones with velcro...but thats the model you have.
Thanks Jerry. I'm quite happy with the new slim cushions just confused with the answers I was getting but that explains it.