New member, New Citabria Owner, New Questions


New member
Hello, My name is Dale Cavin. I live in Marianna, FL which is best located by looking at the intersection of Florida, Georgia and Alabama. A few weeks ago, I purchased a 1965 Champion Citabria 7ECA, N2523F. My main purpose for purchasing this plane, other than having fun, is to build plenty of tailwheel experience while I am building an Airdrome Aeroplanes full size WW I Nieuport 17.

Unfortunately on the flight home with 23F, the generator, regulator or both fried. I am considering converting to an alternator system from Plane-Power. My plane has the Continental O-200 engine. Has anyone had experience with these conversions? Also, any other tips or cautions?

Oh, why the handle “bookmaker”? I am a CPA.



Plane Power is associated with Sky-Tec, a known and quality manufacturer; my guess is that they will give good product and service. Would like others to chime in with their experiences though.
Last Saturday, I made my first solo flights in my Citabria, or any taildragger for that matter.

The no bounce gear really are odd fealing if you grease the mains on. Once the tires touch, you still have several inches to settle down before the plane has landed.

The second time around I had a little excitement when the bug guard over the pitot tube stuck closed and I had no airspeed indication. Actually, it said 180mph. No big deal. This plane tends to settle a little at about 70 mph. So I slowed it on final until it started to settle, then added a little power to bring it on in.

Once I get the little bugaboos worked out, this is going to be a fun plane.

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