New Owner has question about 8KCAB surging issue


New member

I'm new here and just bought a 2005 Super Decathlon. It was very windy the day that I bought it and took the tailwheel transition course. Flying it home afterwards in smooth air I noticed a distinct feeling of the airplane surging, the engine gauges (tach/mp) read steady.

I have suspected and have sent off the prop governor to MT (the airplane has the MT 3 blade).

Has anyone else had this problem?


That is usually the case. We use currently. Although MT has said they have changed the springs and fixed the issue. You will find out soon enough if they did. :D
I took off the governor and sent it to MT, they sent it back the next day with updated mods (mod-E). So far it is working perfectly and the airplane flys and performs great with the 3 blade prop.

Thanks for your help, I will bookmark the page that you copied for future reference.
