New Owner


New member
Brought my new (to me) 7GCAA home today. I am sure to have other questions as I go along. But first..

What do I write in my log for Aircraft Make and Model, the abreviation I mean.

I would write exactly what you put for a designator in your question. 7GCAA
I have a Champ and just put 7AC
Thanks, That is kinda what I figured. I flew a Champ in 1979 and that is what is in my log too. Wanted to make sure.

Next question... where do I go for parts, like seats? Went to the AMA website but there is nothing there about parts.

Mine has very nice new upholstry, but I would like a wide rear seat.
There are too many parts and too many models combined with too low volume to really ever put parts on the web. Your only real outlet is the phone. Although email can work too.