New panel


New member
Just ordered a new panel for my '75 GCAA. Has anyone else done this conversion? if so, how did it go? any surprises, did it fit well? any advice in installation would be helpful.

No one else has done this huh? well it is a realativly cheap installation that makes quite a difference in the airplane. did come across a few issues. had to relocate the primer and needed to cut one line shorter, and pluging the primer inlet is difficult due to it being located upstream of the fuel shutoff. so fuel will gush out unless the tanks are empty...mine weren't. i needed a few extra parts, insulation that goes up against the windsheild, noticed i needed a new mixture cable. some trimming and cutting are required but if anyone is thinking of doing this let me know, i should be a pro by the time im done.

it is just the standard panel. low one i think, but its still a little higher than my old stock one. the panel was $185, the lower panel cover was 152.,and the glareshield was 101. some misc. items like trim and insulation run about 20.00.
What’s the legality of changing the panel? Is it just a matter of getting a 337.
I was also interested in upgrading from fuses to circuit breakers, it would be easy to do but how do you do it legally?
No 337 required. Just champion drawing 5-390 and a logbook entry. As far as changing to c/b, ACA may have a drawing for that as well. If thats the case, just have them send you the c/b and make a logbook entry. If not, i suppose a field approval 337 can be done in accordace with AC43.13-1B.