New Scout Horizontal Tail Surfaces

Scout 46C

New member
Has anyone converted the scout tail feathers to the new stabilizers and elevators. I have always had to carry power when approaching landing to flare when approach speed of 65 mph is used. The tail would stall out without the added power. It is better when I have a 150-200 lb passenger. Wondering if the new surfaces would help? This is constant speed prop equipped aircraft so the nose is heavier. I have not noticed it in other scouts I have flown. Any ideas?
We have only sold about a half dozen retro-fits so far. So, might be hard to find guys in the forums.
The barrier being, the cost. They are not as easy to build as the plain old steel frame.

Set that aside, and you will find the new tail helping you with all of what you mentioned. A flat plate typically stalls out at about 8-9 degrees. With an airfoil you can sqeeze out another 5 to 7 degrees (depending on the airfoil). So, its hard to stall out. Similarly, it removes stick buffet from the flap downwash. Its increased in area by 10% so its also more effective.