New Scout Rules


New member
Just took delivery of a Scout from Backcountry. This thing is as advertised, I flew the competition and it is not even close to the Scout. It will hold altitude at 45MPH indicated with no problem, and climb 1500 fpm at 60 indicated, field ele. 3000'. The guys at Backcountry know their stuff. Awesome job ACA.

Did you get the red one with the 'vintage' cowl paint scheme?

Bob and Kasey really know their stuff with scouts.
They'll take care of you.

And I am glad you flew everything you considered. I mean, personally, why wouldn't you? Even if you have to travel to do it. These babies aren't cheap; get what really fills your needs.
Still enjoying your new Scout? My wife and I are looking for a good slightly used one. Just wanted to check and see if you were still pleased with it. We are down in the Houston area.

The Scout is awesome, I fly it almost 4 times a week, and land it on grass and ranch land. The 29" tundras really make a difference. For the value you can't go wrong. What I really like is it's speed, 117Kts. on 29's. For real!
We have a grass strip located about half way between Dallas and Houston, TE01. How does the Scout do in crosswinds? Does it prefer wheel landings to three point landings? We learned to fly on a 7GCBC but never mastered wheel landings.

Thanks for your impressions of the Scout. Any chance for a picture. My email is

Again, thanks.

Tom Branton
Hey Tom,

I think the Scout is an easy TW to land, it blows like crazy up here in LBB so Xwinds are always present. I wheel land it most of the time, but it 3 points nice to, just depends on my mood! I will try and shoot you some pics tomorrow.
Hi Chad,

Kathy and I just brought N310WA home from Washington State. Quick question, does your Scout have VG's? If so what speeds do you use for your approach? We think the VG's have likely changed the speeds from those in the POH.

Thanks so much,

Tom and Kathy
Cool Tom,

I do have VG's. I use 55-60 on final, 2 notches of flaps. Full flaps at 50-55 carrying power, not very smooth, but very short.

Have fun,
