New Viking and single-tail Cruisemaster AD


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FAAST Blast — Week of Oct 12 – 18, 2014
Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update

AD Affects 847 Alexandria Aviation LLC (Bellanca)Airplanes
On October 7, 2014, the FAA issued an Airworthiness Directive (AD) that affects certain models of Alexandria Aircraft LLC (type certificate previously held by Bellanca Aircraft Corp., Viking Aviation Inc., and Bellanca Inc.) airplanes. The AD supersedes a previous AD from 1975 (AD 75-20-06) that requires the aft fuselage structure near the top of the vertical side tubing to be inspected for cracks. AD 75-20-06 also calls for the installation of the manufacturer's service repair kit as a terminating action for the repetitive inspections to repair any cracks found, but has since been found ineffective.
The new AD, effective November 12, 2014, removes the terminating action in the previous AD and requires continued repetitive inspections of the affected area for cracks and making all necessary replacements of cracked parts. This AD also changes the applicability to include all serial numbers. Access the AD here:
bummer, especially as regards Alexandria's fix !

triple tails, especially high power ones need to inspect this area too.
blimpy said:
triple tails, especially high power ones need to inspect this area too.

While every aircraft should be inspected, the root cause to cracking in the single tails does not exist in the triples and is not related to horsepower.