New wing bolts


New member
Hey guys I finally pulled the wings on my 14-13-3. Man was the fabric in sad shape, wood about as bad on the fuse. Wings are perfect. I am going to build a new sliding window frame and track for mine if any one else needs one. I am also looking for a source for new wing bolts. I will probably make the window and door frame in a couple of weeks. Let me kow if any one needs any of those pieces........Greg
Hi from Altus!

I'm thinking of doing that, but my left window has a neat little window/door set in it, I think from a beech product- but i would prefer the sliding open window. Doesn't it slide down?

Not sure if the 14-13-3 had one, but I think they all did?

Glad to hear you've still got her!!!

The window does slide down. Mine never did work well I did rework what I could in the plane before a trip to Sun-N-Fun a few years back. I would let it half way down for taxi and then when I got ready for take off I couldn't get it to move up. Now the fabric is off it works flawlessly. Go figure. If you want to fly over and look at mine and see what you are getting into for recover come on over. I suppose we could do them at the same time if you want. email or call me........Greg

Yep, I'd love to take a good look at yours, We fixed mine pretty well, I think. Razorback is actually pretty neat stuff, now that I've worked with it a bunch! :)

I'll see what I can do about flying over, I'm battling a sticking valve right now on the Bellanca, but after we get that, I think it would be fun to come by!

My email: dwmmg08@(removethis)

Good luck!
Here's a previous thread on wingbolts:

Basically the short ones are no longer available. My IA is having me install longer ones using washers to shim. :?
I would also be interested in a new sliding window frame & track. Please email me at, with the particulars, if it's not too late.