New Year, New BBS

Jonathan Baron

New member
Hmmmm....Robert has done a nice job of implementing new forum software for the new year. Very clean and no doubt more spam resistant, along with Avatars and a new emoticon or two.

Now that we've either survived or enjoyed the holidays - or both - I want to turn my attention to the Triple Tail Tour once again. Shortly I will start a follow-up topic to nail down dates and participants. Mostly though, for now, I just wanted to pop in and see how everyone's doing.

For my part, the more Russell fixes more problems on my ship, the more problems he finds. Although, from my point of view - and no doubt from his - this has become a correspondence of continuing calamities. I intend to compile them though and work them into an article for the Newsletter. Others may find them instructive or even humorous peeling of the onion tales. The part that bewilders me the most is that all of the snafus Russell is discovering survived three annual inspections without remark. Two of the mechanics performing these alleged inspections know little about Bellancas. Of those, one tried very hard, and one's chief display of prowess was running up the bill with no apparent result. One, however, is known as a Bellanca expert. Therein lies our sad situation. Thus documenting it all may serve to make those various inspection checklists we have out there far more complete.

Happy New Year one and all :)

Glad to see you're taking on the Triple Tail Tour! The club should trademark that name. I would like to volunteer our airport C55 as a gathering spot. C55 is about an hour south of OSH. We'll work at getting the grills to dance, but the food will be good! Let me know what I can do!

The last of the Triple Tail Tail Draggers are approaching 50 years of service. It would be great to work toward a BIG gathering this year or next to commemorate the anniversary.
Save August 16 as a date for my hangar cook out at HAO just north of Cincinnati, Ohio. The date is still tentative but I think that is more then likely the date it will be. Hopefully I will have a guy frying chicken but if that falls through I will grill.

Indeed, Glenn, the last of the conventional landing gear triple tails were made in 1958.

I recall your offer and think it's a great idea! Finding each other at OSH would be difficult. There is some varied opinion whether we'd just get lost in the crowd at OSH anyway...not if we arrive enmasse as we can with our small but wonderful fleet.
