newer vs older elevator control

I recently had a chance to fly a 2009 Super D and it was a really nice machine. After returning home to fly my 1979 SD, I noticed that when I pulled the same 4 g's in the same maneuver and same speed as
the 2009 that the elevator control felt a little spongier in the pull. I have thoroughly inspected the system and found no problems. Is this a normal thing between older and newer aircraft?
Check your cable tensions and travel of elevator? You should not see much difference in elevator control.

Only other thing I can think of is wood or metal spar? I doubt it would be more than feel, but the extra deflection from the wood wings will reduce the lift... meaning you had to pull harder to get the lift you wanted for 4g. This is an aeroelastic effect. Again, I figured it would be hard to observe as the difference would somewhat small.