No Open Flame ! - Revised Sender Testing Instructions


New member
Please... if you plan to follow my posted instructions for Testing and Repair of Stewart Warner Senders..
look at the current Edited Version.

Do NOT... repeat Do NOT use open flame to find leaking gasoline in your float !

I got away with this the first time.. and the second time the little split in the float grew and the float
shot out burning gasoline igniting a kitchen table.

Can you spell Darwin's List ?

Even though I couldnt hear or feel it.. when I drilled a small drain hole in the float, I got a pill bottles worth of
gasoline to drain out ! This is enough to blow your face off and really scare the horses.

so no stoves, bic lighters or other open flame.

We've all gotten away with this kind of thing with the little floats from our motorcycles and lawn mowers.. but the SW float is Big.. and is a potential bad thing... "bad thing.. blow daddy's face off.. bad,bad thing ! "