Nose cowl arrangement


New member
Hello all,
I just purchased Dave Reid's Cruisair (C-FHFM) late last summer and have picked up where Dave left off in cleaning up some much needed maintenance and upgrades. I am about to embark on replacing pushrod tube seals and have encountered my first obstacle.. the nose cowl. As you all undoubtedly know, access to the right front cylinder is not possible due to the position of the cowling, and of course the cowling cannot be removed without taking the prop off. I've removed the prop but it is a dog's breakfast behind the spinner backplate with broken tabs and silicone etc etc.. So to my question..
First, can someone provide me pictures/drawings as to how it should be properly mounted from original?
Second, is there anyone out there that has modified the cowling so that it can be split to eliminate prop removal every time you want access to that front of the engine?
Cheers everyone, looking forward to getting to know some here in the group!
Thanks for the input blimpy. The bracket of which you speak was broken clear off so a good place to start!
Thanks also for all the video on youtube, despite the bloopers, I have watched them many times; especially leading up to my acquisition. I hope to post some myself this coming summer.
I believe that a few of the 14-19-2 Cruismasters have gone through the split cowl mod, but I doubt there was any 337s on them. I dont see why you could not do it on a 14-13. There may be some photos in the old club news letter of the modification. In reality, for the few times you might have to pull the forward jug, Pulling the prop would be less work than the mod. Just my 2 cents worth. ____Grant.
I have a page from the Stinson group on how to split a nose bowl. Can't seem to post it here, so if you want a copy, contact me at:

llowenkron at yahoo dot com

As Grant says, unless you will be pulling the prop frequently, it may be more trouble than it's worth. If we had constant speed props, that'd be another story.
Once again, thanks for the support guys, awesome! All good points. Hopefully I wont be changing jugs or pushrod tube seals or anything for that matter all too often. At a minimum, I'd like to tidy things up and put it back to OEM.
