O-200 Carb control mounts


New member
Does anyone have any drawing or photos for the throttle cable mount and carb heat mount at the carb end for the early Citabria with an O-200?

Thanks for the photos Robert. As we noted on the phone, the air box on yours is entirely different from mine, but it does give ideas. We are definitely not going back with the bracket that was on it attached to the forward intake tube.

I have the air box off to repair a split. I'll post a photo when I get a chance.

Oh, the joys of owning a 50 year old airplane.

I received the original firewall forward drawings for the O-200 set up from ACA.

It is interesting to see what has been "modified" in the last 49 years. :shock:

I'm thinking that the box in the picture is a 'standard' continental box, probably from Univair or the like. Maybe get one of those instead of trying to repair what you have? Bracket included :lol:
I think it is a replacement based on Robert's photos and looking at other photos.

I have already made a new side for my air box, and the rivets arrived yesterday. Just a few rivets, a little sealer and it's repaired.

If it ever needs work again, I will strongly consider the upgrade.

It is nice to have it flying again. :D

One of these days we have to meet up. I was thinking about one of the pancake breakfasts at Dawson, but it looks like they have quit for the winter. :cry:
