O-235 C1 or C2C?


New member
I'm looking at the O-235 C1 or C2C as an alternate solution to my original plan of upgrading my 1966 7ECA from the O-200 to O-320 150hp via one time STC.

Can any one give me an idea as to general performance of a 7ECA with the oleo gear and the O-235 C1 or C2C? I've heard mixed things on the C1 as far as being a "good" engine or not. Have also noticed this engine being listed with contradictory hp rating - I've seen both 108hp & 115hp listed - which one is correct? What is the C2C rated at?

Finally, can anyone tell me if the O-235 K2C is compatible with the same "older" round style boot & cowl, given the oleo gear and how it fits with all that? I've been told the oleo gear may not fit with the "newer" square style boot & cowl ACA uses with their O-235 K2C 7ECA Aurora - is this understanding correct?


Call Jerry Jr. at ACA about compatability of the various engines, he can answer all your questions.
As to the C1 engine, I have one in my 74 7ECA that is rated at 115hp. As of now Lycoming is the only engine manufacturer that makes parts for the C1. This results in no competition on price which results in having to pay list price for things like cylinders and overhauls. This results in the O-235-C1 as being one of the most expensive engines in the small Lycoming lineup.


Thanks for your post. Can you tell me your impresions as far as C1 performance - adequate power/under power, climb etc. I'm told the O-200 for example, is very marginal at best. How about maintenance reliability - any issues or known weaknesses?

As far as desired performance, my needs are simply to have a solid, safe (climb out of average hole with two people), typical upload for 2 hr legs only (but do have the 18 gal wing tanks) , occasional loop/roll "Sunday" flyer. DA not an issue at my location...

My origanl plan was to upgrade to an O-320 via one time STC, while my 7ECA is being rebuilt. STC and associated labor cost, plus the extra fuel burn (100LL goes for almost $10/gal where I live) are causing me to rethink.

My partner owns a lot at an airpark with a 2300' grass strip at 850' elevation with trees on both ends and uphill from both ends to the middle. On a hot day with 2 of us (both about 170 lbs) it is marginal with full fuel. We leave the airplane with 3/4 fuel (27 gal) so we can get in and out of there with out a problem.
I do gentleman aerobatics with no problems. Climbing back to altitude does take a few moments.
Climb rate with 3/4 fuel and 2 people is in the 500'/min range and cruise at 65% power (around 2500rpm) is right on book at about 109mph. For what I use the ECA for it is ideal. I do tailwheel checkouts and spin training and It does an excellant job with that.
I plan for 7gph fuel burn so 1/2 tanks (18 gal) will give 2 hours with reserve.
Maintenance is typical for small Lycomings, no problems as long as it is flown regularly. If you leave it sitting for say a week at a time you will be looking at a top overhaul (ours happened at 750 hours). I fly it a lot more now and everything is looking good. TBO is 2400hrs.
I am happy with the C1 except for parts prices. I see Superior has started making cylinders again for the 235. I don't know for sure but I would bet that they will not include the C1.

Thank you Ron - that info is very helpful. I checked your website out and see your an old Rucker guy - me too - CH-47D IP 84' to 90'

HI Jeff, i run a 7eca with the c1 engine and i've been really happy with it. i live at 3000ft. and do a lot of grass strips with it. lots of fun and decent fuel burn. i'm getting the AutoSTC from EAA so i can run both fuels in it.
on one grass strip it is mowed to about 600-700ft. and on a 20c day, almost no wind, solo, it will be up in about that length. i can get in to that space too. the approach is open so it's good spot landing practice for me. i did over 100hrs. in her last year!
i found some wheel pants that i'm going to install this year too.
Sounds reassuring - I was a bit worried about the O-235 C1 performance. My 1966 was born with the O-200 which I've been told to stay away from. The C1 is about the only alternative without going through allot of FAA paper work.

What about the C1's mechanical lifters and their constant attention/adjustment - anyone have a problem with this issue?

Thanks for your input!

Not familiar with the "constant attention/adjustment". Mine are checked at annual inspection only.
