oil change at 50 hours or four months?

Jeff Nunan

New member
I have an Airwolf oil filter kit installed on my 7GCBC. As the POH recommends, I change oil (Elite 20/50) every 50 hours. Recently I read in an aviation magazine that oil should be changed every four months regardless of hours.
It's been six months since my last oil change and I have gone 35 hours. Should I wait until I reach 50?
The climate your in can make a huge difference. Technically, oil does not wear out. However, extended use causes an oil’s additives to wear out or become depleted. For example, an ashless dispersant aviation oil is designed to suspend dirt and metal particles picked up from an aircraft engine. Eventually the oil will become "over-suspended." The principal reason oil is changed at regular intervals is to rid the engine of these suspended impurities. Old oil, with a high degree of contaminants, can cause bearing corrosion and deposit buildup. It can also get to the point where it will not suspend the additional particles created during engine operation. This produces particle buildup or sludge. Overworked oil will also result in the depletion of its other additives. Total hours on the engine can also make a difference as a freshly overhauled or new engine will get corrosion much quicker.